Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New York tango festival, Oct 2007

I had a great time. There were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way, but I think this was one of the better festivals out there. I'll write more about the festival itself in a review I'm planning of writing. Until then, I'll just write about some random experiences.

Taking chances

One of the ... "catch 22's" at festivals is that I have to choose between "safe bets" or taking chances. By "safe bets" I mean dancing with people I know I love to dance with, or take a chance and ask someone new. It's a tough choice, especially at a festival where the milongas where annoyingly short, so the time was limited. By now I know most of the great dancers in NYC, and a lot of the tango festivals regulars, I certainly know enough of them to dance non-stop without ever dancing with anyone new. And it's tempting. It's not like I get to dance with them all the time, and I'm talking about really, REALLY good dancers. So why take a chance? Well, at the last milonga on Sunday, a girl who seemed somewhat familiar came and asked me for a dance. I was looking for Deb at that time, so I had to decline and I suggested that maybe we can dance later. Fortunately, I ran into her again a bit later and asked for a dance. It was so much fun, despite the fact that we danced on live music, which I generally dislike to dance to. So, thank you A (from Princeton?), it was a lot of fun. Taking chances pays off sometimes.

A new "tango crush"

As I was writing before, I know by now a lot of truly gifted dancers, and I am lucky enough to be able to dance with them on somewhat regular basis. But once in a while you meet a dancer with whom everything just works... Our host A, one of the (better) instructors in NYC suggested I dance with this woman, M from Chicago, whom I never met nor seen before. Now, since she came highly recommended by A, I was of course expecting her to be good, but ... wow. The first time we danced together was at one of the practicas, I think we danced for 3 tandas in a row. I never used this expression, and I'm glad, because I can use it now appropriately, it was tango bliss. Sometimes when the first dance with someone is amazing, the next ones are disappointing. It wasn't the case with M, we danced a few more times during the festival, each time for a few tandas (I can't really remember, being in a cloud and everything) and they were all just as good, if not better. I just hope she enjoyed it at least half as much as I did. After we danced at the practica we asked each other for feedback. "What do I need to work on?" she asked. Uhh... Mmm... and for the first time in my (tango) life I had ... nothing. I mean, I'm sure there is something she could work on, everyone needs to work on something, I was however unable to come up with anything. And that's a first!

Robin's practica

We made to NYC Thursday afternoon, but instead of going to the festival opening milonga, we went to Robin's class & practica at Empire. Why? Well, from all the teachers in NYC I took classes with since I started tango, I like Robin the best, he also seems he was involved in the tango education of a lot of followers I love dancing with. I am glad we went there. Not only I got a chance to dance with some of my favorite NYC dancers but I also learned a rather cool move, a wrap the follower does around my waist. Open embrace stuff, but cool anyway. If I ever find myself in NYC on a Thursday evening, I know where I'll be.

Group classes

My frustration with group classes was renewed. Unless one goes with a partner, it's a complete waste of time. There were people in the advanced class that could not lead or follow the cross. So, for whoever reads this, taking a group class significantly above your level is not only a waste of your money and time, it's also a waste of money and time for whoever is unlucky enough to be partnered with you. I wish teachers would have enough balls to kick people out of the class if they are not at the level required.

Active followers

There are women who's style of dancing is very calm, very reactive, kind of dancing with a cloud. Others, are the exact opposite. They are energetic, they play with the dynamic of the step, they take any opening given to them to express themselves. They are both a pleasure to dance with (when done right of course). The latter kind of follower though, is rather intimidating for an emerging leader. The first truly active follower I danced with was Shorey Myers, I wrote about that experience and it was one of the best danced I had to date. A few months ago I had a chance to dance with S, a woman from NY I've seen around, dancing with all the "stars". She is another of those active followers. It was a lot of fun, but it was nothing like it was this time. We danced three tandas in a row and by the end of the third one, I was feeling like I just had an espresso shot. One of the best dances to date. To top it off, she said "You have improved a lot since the last time we danced together". That was reassuring, as at times I was feeling that my progress was slowing down. And that would be bad.


At one of the practicas I followed a leader from Princeton for a bit, and I did better then I was expecting, considering I haven't followed much lately. It's funny how illuminating is to follow and feel how one thing or another actually feels from the other side. It's also quite fun not to worry about navigation ...

Beginner dancers at festivals

I recently read some posts from a less experienced dancer about her experience at the festival. Not surprisingly, she didn't have as much fun as she was hoping for. If you are a (relative) beginner, keep this in mind about festivals (and other one time, well attended events) :

- The better dancers, who normally will dance with you at regular milongas will likely not have the time at such events. In most cases there are too many great dancers from afar with whom they don't have the chance otherwise to dance with.
- If you decide to go anyway, go at the beginning of the milonga and stay until the end. At both ends the options are usually more limited and your chances of being asked (or your invite to be accepted) are higher. Attend practicas before you attend milongas. Most better dancers will gladly spend some time working with a promising dancer at a practica, where at a milonga they might just dance with their favorite dancers.
- Work the room. Walk to a dancer you'd like to dance with and say something to the effect of "I enjoyed watching you dance and I would like to dance with you at some point if you have the time", smile, and then walk away. Don't grovel. At many large festivals, it's unlikely a good dancer will take the chance to accept a dance from someone they didn't see dance. Once you talked to them, they will be more likely to notice you dance and come ask you later. Some may even say, "what about now?". It's also almost risk free, since you are not putting them into a corner, it's very unlikely they would flat out say no.
- Don't look like you swallowed a rancid egg, be friendly, smile at people. Don't look over eager or desperate (which means, don't look like you're trying to catch the eye of anyone passing by)
- Choose a spot to sit and stay in that area, so people will know where to find you.
- If you are chatting with friends, don't face each other. Make sure you face the room, otherwise it will send the message that you are not interested in dancing.
- Don't stay in the dark
- If you are a beginner leader, the things that good followers are impressed with are the quality of the embrace and musicality. Not figures. Do not, under any circumstances, try the new cool moves taught at the festival. Don't try any move you can't execute perfectly 20 times in a row. A comfortable walk on the music will feel better then any badly executed figure. Obviously that is true anywhere, not just at festivals.
* If you are a beginner follower, don't think. Don't try to do things. Close your eyes and listen to the music and your leader. Try to have a relaxed embrace (I follow a bit, I know it's not easy), and don't pull. As a leader, there is NOTHING that bugs me more then a follower who anticipates my lead.

Generally, I would not encourage beginner dancers to go to festivals. It's usually a tough crowd.

To be continued ... (at some point)


Anonymous said...

"Generally, I would not encourage beginner dancers to go to festivals. It's usually a tough crowd."

I was just having this conversation with a friend who is a much more experienced and advanced dancer (2 years, to my 4 months). He was insisting it would be a wonderful experience and a fabulous learning opportunity. I just kept thinking, hmmm, next year it will be more fun!

Your post confirms this for me...

tangobaby said...

This information is right on the money about festivals. Very helpful, thanks!

Maria said...


Right on!!! I couldn't agree more!!!

Hey, when will your photos come up?

La Nuit Blanche said...

i wish i knew this before i went! :-/

thanks again for the experienced perspective.

another idea is maybe: get a fellow beginner (a leader, if you're a follower, and vice versa, to adhere to gender balance) to participate in classes with you, and go to practicas and milongas. that way, if no one else will dance with you, you'll still have each other! ;-)

Gustavo said...

hey Sorin, about the level of the dancers in the advanced classes at the fest, I feel your pain and totally agree; fortunately I had my wife to dance with so it wasn't much of an issue for me. However, I have to tell you, I know for a fact that the organizers did everything they could to keep the levels as high as possible. It's just that for that many people signing up from far away and all, you can't really know the level of each one, and you can't take them out once the classes started because that would create a lot of conflicts so I don't think there's any real solution other than people being honest to themselves about which level they are in their dancing.

Sorin said...


About level of dancers at classes, I was actually not criticizing the organizers, there is that much one can do in that respect. It was just a rant against people who don't know their limits and don't care about imposing on others.

La Sastresa said...

Hi Sorin,

About beginners going to festivals, I agree with you, but I have to add something: last year we went to the autumn tango festival in Budapest, Hungary. We were 12 people from the Romanian tango community, which is very young (3 years now of tango in Romania), so as you can figure out we were beginners at that time and I think we still are… any way, we had the chance to see dancers as Adrian Y Alejandra, Nancy Lauzan and Damian Esell and Guillermo Merlo and Fernanda Ghi, and had the chance to take few classes with them. That experience changed completely my perception on tango. When I saw Fernanda dancing, I felt I understood what was tango about, and the hole world had another meaning for me from that point.

Unfortunately, we went on our first lesson, at advanced classes… Very, very very bad idea. It was very frustrating… and embarrassing, for all of us; the biggest mistake we could ever done. at that time I could not even keep my balance, because I didn’t know the right position for my embrace, I was a truly mess, and the Hungarian teacher put me in the right position (she was not talking good English, so she showed me, no explanation, no information at all)… basic thing I didn’t know after one year of tango… imagine how was for me to realize such of things…; so going out to festivals, see other teachers, gives you the information, even if you are not prepared to take it, at least you know where to go, which is the right way, and what to practice. It took me months after, to do what she showed me, and I’m very grateful to that lady!

Another good thing is that we could see how people can dance after 8 years, and we could see their style – completely something else of what we were doing home, and I could hardly keep up with them: different embrace, different marka, different structures, different everything. I was one of the lucky girl having the chance to dance with more than 4 hungarian guys (in 2 milongas), as they hardly change partners at milongas and in classes as well. Now looking back at our level and reading what you said about beginners at festivals I can understand why we were not invited, … fortunately we had our guys from home to dance with. :)

Sorin said...

Dear La Sastresa,

After reading your post, I realized my recommendation was incomplete. It's unlikely a beginner dancer would have a lot of fun at a festival, but if that beginner dancer in their home town doesn't have access to experienced dancers, then being at a festival could be an eye opening experience, as it looks like it was for you. It may be heartbreaking though.

Anonymous said...

Mai ce infumurat esti! Epitomul tango-snobismului emergent... Cica a avut "sansa" sa danseze cu x, care danseaza cu "star"-urile din NY. Acumulezi iluzii cum acumuleaza chinezii flegme (si nu e mare diferenta intre ele).

Ce tupeu sa le dai sfaturi incepatorilor... You're not Robin Thomas, mister! Si le mai dai si sfaturi aiurea, cica sa nu se duca la festivaluri. De unde sa invete ma jijele, din sute de ore de privates x $100/ora??

Sorin said...

>Mai ce infumurat esti! Epitomul tango-snobismului emergent... Cica a avut "sansa" sa danseze cu x, care danseaza cu "star"-urile din NY. Acumulezi iluzii cum acumuleaza chinezii flegme (si nu e mare diferenta intre ele).

Here is the (approximate) English translation for those of you not speaking Romanian.

Wow, you are so conceited. The epitome of the emerging tango-snob. .. Had the "chance" of dancing with X who dances with the NY tango "stars". You're accumulating illusions like the Chinese accumulate phlegm (and there is no much difference between them)

Uhh, huh? The problem with reading in a language you don't master is that you are unable to get the actual meaning of a sentence (in this case, of my post). So your comment, while obviously meant to be sarcastic, makes very little sense, if any.

Ce tupeu sa le dai sfaturi incepatorilor... You're not Robin Thomas, mister! Si le mai dai si sfaturi aiurea, cica sa nu se duca la festivaluri. De unde sa invete ma jijele, din sute de ore de privates x $100/ora??

In English : And you have the audacity to give advice to beginners... You're not Robin Thomas, mister! And you give them bad advice, not to go to festivals. Where are they suppose to learn, from hundreds of hours of privates, at $100/hour?

Well, it took you long enough to figure it out. Yes, my name is Sorin, not Robin Thomas.

Beginners will have a very hard time at festival milongas, as most of them who have blogs reported. They will certainly not learn anything at the milongas. If I remember correctly I was not discouraging them from coming to classes and practicas.