Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A tango moment #1 - Nov 08 2006

A few days ago I went to a practica in a nearby town. A woman I never danced before with asked me if I wanted to dance and of we went. In the last few months I've been dancing in close embrace exclusively, as I felt the connection is much stronger that way. But there was something awkward in trying to dance in close embrace with this particular woman (she was slightly tilted to the left and I was getting thrown off balance), so I opened the embrace. Once I did, the stars suddenly aligned and the DJ started an alternative tanga. Wow, maybe her posture is not great in close embrace, but this woman REALLY knows how to listen to the leader and the music and the same time. For the next couple of tangas I was leading steps I've never done before, coming up with stuff as I went along. Slow cat like movement, fast milonga style steps, drags, hesitation steps, whatever I was doing, she was responding to it.

So, one can have an incredible connection in open embrace as well. Who knew?


Anonymous said...

Seems like there's something metaphorical in here. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Normally I prefer close embrace because it is true that close embrace offers more connection between me and the leader. However, this statement is only true under the condition that both the leader and the follower can share their axes and keep balanced the whole structure. If I am dancing with a guy who is shaky and hesitant all the time or who is too tall for me, then maybe open embrace is a good idea. I presonally think I can maintain better balance and make moves more smoothly with open embrace. But anyway, I just realized that as long as I am in good condition, things would be magically smooth no matter it's open or close embrace and no matter how bad the leader is. It's just unfortunate that I kind of lost that magic moments after the festival. Maybe it's because of the shoes? HeHe..quite a good excuse to do more shopping....hehe...