Friday, July 03, 2009

Close Embrace + Push Up Bras = Awkward Open Embrace

I debated if I should write about this, as it seems to be one of the more taboo subjects. But hell, I'm not exactly known for being politically correct so there you go.

More often then one would think, I dance with women wearing bras designed to make their breasts look larger. Generally, by pushing them up. I am not debating here the aesthetics of this choice. I am debating the wisdom of wearing something that makes close embrace awkward or impossible, depending on the specific choice and circumstance. I recently danced with a woman who is undoubtedly a good dancer, and she appeared to have a very nice close embrace (which is rather rare in the younger crowd in BsAs, but this is the subject of another post), but due to her choice of a bra, it was practically impossible to have a nice (close embrace) dance as the breasts, lifted by the bra, acted as bumpers.

So, could you please save those bras for going on dates, job interviews or anywhere else where you think larger breasts will give you an edge, but leave them home when going to a milonga?


n a n c y said...

Oh no, you didn't! I have heard a lot of excuses for lousy dancing, but this beats them all.

Aand I am here in BsAs and will make myself known to you if you ever show up in the good milongas where your GF goes.


Deby N. said...

You didn't really write this did you? Sorin, please get real. I have heard 9 million excuses, but really, this one is the best. Tell me you are kidding. There are women here who are very large busted who are beautiful close embrace dancers. I am sorry, but I do not buy your excuse...and that is what it is, an excuse.

Sorin said...

"Good" is a matter of perspective, isn't it? What's good for you, may not be good for me. I've been to some of the milongas Debbi goes to, and for the most part I found it difficult to muster the enthusiasm to change my shoes.

And that was not an excuse, it was a request.

Sorin said...

It always amazes me how little attention people pay to the actual words written in the posts they comment on.

Deby, where on earth did you find any complaint or reference to the woman's chest SIZE? My post was specifically directed to the push up bras (which generally are worn by women with a smaller chest size anyway).

In addition, how would YOU know how lovely a dancer any women is, by looking at her dance? That's generally highly inaccurate.

As far as being an excuse or not, you read it any which way you want. It doesn't seem like the what I actually write makes any difference anyway.

Andrew said...

I can understand breast implants being uncomfortable, especially if it is a bad boob job. But a push up bra??? I think it might be one of those things that you simply need to learn to adapt the embrace to the woman you are dancing with. Just as women need to adapt to them men and their issues too.

Anonymous said...


The push-ups are for lifting and showing it off; the padded ones are for helping to define what we don't have.

There was a heated debate in Ask Arlene about whether a woman should get a breast reduction in order to be more comfortable in an embrace for tango. There are women who know they aren't dancing as often as they would like, and their breasts can be part of it.

To change the subject, I met a tall, thin Asian fellow in his 20s from Boston at Lo de Celia a couple weeks ago. He dances constantly with Argentine women, inviting them with the cabeceo. You must know him.

Sorin said...

Precisely my point. No need for the push-ups, they just make the embrace uncomfortable.

>>The push-ups are for lifting and showing it off; the padded ones are for helping to define what we don't have.

And yes Andrew, (some of) the push up bras actually feel like a bad breast implant.

Unknown said...

Acabo de leer este articulo sobre los braziers y me resulta divertido. Bueno, pues yo baile contigo y dijiste que te gusto. También uso este tipo de ropa que ayuda a que los senos no se vean tan pequeños. Sigues pensando igual? Creo que mi abrazo es relativamente cerrado. No creo que cambie mi forma de vestir, pero sacame de la duda por favor. ....te molesto mi ropa cuando bailamos?

Sorin said...

Diana, your embrace and choice of clothing were always great. As with anything else, moderation is the key word. Some women insist on wearing some garments that act like an obstacle between the bodies but they still want to dance close embrace. If you can connect with your partner at the chest and don't feel any obstacle to getting a good embrace, then chances are, you are wearing the right thing(s).